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The SD™ line of round mechanical dampers provides you with a Commercial grade round damper at a price that competes with residential grade dampers. The quality of materials is "second to none" and is backed up by a 5 year - Best in Industry Warranty.
Due to the low sales volume on these 3” and 4” sheet-metal dampers, a slightly different damper can may be used than the one pictured. This damper will still feature a Belimo LMB24 motor.
Can operate same as a spring return damper in Slave Zone set-up
Rated up to 2 in. of Static Pressure
*Heavy 22 gauge construction with 18 gauge blades.
*Welded, leak proof seams-not riveted.
*Durodyne commercial 1/2 inch drive shafts
*Durodyne Bronze Bearings with anti rattle washers
*Bolted on blades with 3/16 hardware-Blades will not vibrate off!
Duro-Dyne Direct Coupled Linkage, Bronze
Bushings, and a 1/2 in. universal drive shaft
5 Year Warranty!
Best industry warranty available! Motor covered by conditional Belimo manufactures warranty for up to five years; exclusions apply. Copy of complete warranty available upon request.
- Heavy gauge galvanized steel with reinforcing
beads for super duty strength
- Compatible with any zoning system or application using a power open / power close damper + works with slave zones!