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Want the ease of wiring and automatic return of a spring return in a quality commercial grade motor? The TF24 Commercial Belimo Spring return is the highest quality spring return motor available in this price range, with a five year warranty.
The TF24 is more powerful, and uses less power, than any residential grade spring return motor. How is this possible? The Belimo TF24 used a gear train motor to multiply the torques and power, and therefor uses a much smaller motor to produce far more power. While residential grade spring return motors use 8 to 10 VA of powerwhen energized, the TF24 with its smaller motor and more powerful gear train usesjust 2.5 VA of power for cooler running and longer life.
Normally open? Power Close? Not sure on your application? Not a problem, just dismount and flip the motor to its other side to change its direction.
Unmatched quality and versatility.
For fail-safe, modulating control of dampers in HVAC systems. Actuator sizing should be done in accordance with the damper manufacturer’s specifications. The actuator is mounted directly to a damper shaft from 1/4” up to 1/2” in diameter by means of its universal clamp, 1/2” shaft centered at delivery. A crank arm and several mounting brackets are available for applications where the actuator cannot be direct coupled to the damper shaft. The actuator operates in response to a 2 to 10 VDC, or with the addition of a 500Ω resistor, a 4 to 20 mA control input from an electronic controller or positioner. A 2 to 10 VDC feedback signal is provided for position indication.
The TF series actuators provide true spring return operation for reliable fail-safe application and positive close-off on air tight dampers. The spring return system provides consistent torque to the damper with, and without, power applied to the actuator. The TF series provides 95° of rotation and is provided with a graduated position indicator showing 0 to 95°. The TF uses a brushless DC motor which is controlled by an Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) and a microprocessor. The microprocessor provides the intelligence to the ASIC to provide a constant rotation rate and to know the actuator’s exact fail-safe position. The ASIC monitors and controls the brushless DC motor’s rotation and provides a digital rotation sensing function to prevent damage to the actuator in a stall condition. The actuator may be stalled anywhere in its normal rotation without the need of mechanical end switches. Power consumption is reduced in holding mode.
Safety Note: Screw a conduit fitting into the actuator’s bushing. Jacket the actuator’s input and output wiring with suitable flexible conduit. Properly terminate the conduit in a suitable junction box.